Every Kid Counts Family
How do we help?

What we do…


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Dental Care

We supply funds so each child can visit the dentist for preventative treatment. Our aim is that no children lose their teeth due to poverty.


If a child need medical attention, we have access to medicine that can help them get through sickness and injury. Especially trips to the hospital. 


Most of these children have only the clothes on their back as their entire wardrobe. We provide clothing and shoes to keep them going.


Our mobile teachers bring mainsteram education to the children onsite. Regular state schooling is not available to these margenalized youth.


A simple thing as water is not easy to come by. With you help we can provide the basic necessities to children so they don’t have to drink out of rivers.

Organic Kitchen Garden

We are working with the children creating a 1/2-hectare kitchen garden. We are currently growing vegetables, corn, maize, wheat, and fruit. Excess food is being sold to finance healthcare.


We are trying to feed, give medical & dental care, clothing, therapy, and a safe

place to 96 children every single day. 


“Any human forced to beg is a slave”.  Anti-slavery International

About This Cause

Aged between 1 to 17, an estimated 600,000 children called Talibés  are sent to live and study at Daaras – religious schools, a practice grounded in cultural tradition. Based on existing data, Human Rights Watch estimates that more than 100,000 Talibés living in residential daaras across Senegal are forced by their Quranic teachers, also known as marabouts, to beg daily for money, food, rice or sugar. Thousands of these children live in conditions of extreme squalor, denied sufficient food, medical care and an education. Many are also subject to physical abuse amounting to inhuman and degrading treatment.

Each child who begs is vulnerable to all predators and perpetrators. The number of Talibés who die from physical abuse, abduction and accidents while working on the streets rises weekly.

The Talibés are a mix of Senegalese children who’s parents have them sent away for 3 years to get a religious education without truly knowing their child will be exploited and children who are orphaned, abandoned and trafficked from neighbouring countries.

The children wearing filthy rags beg from sunrise to sunset in full view of police and gendarmes, near government buildings, between moving cars and along busy highways. Some are as young as three years old, and many suffer from increasing post traumatic stress, attachment depression, exhaustion, malnutrition, skin infections, physical and mental abuse. They survive on handouts of little bags of sugar, an occasional meal and the garbage on the roads.

Time for Change: A call for urgent action to end the forced child begging of Talibés in Senegal.

Save The Children

“Despite periodic moments of increased but inconsistent government attention to their plight, the number of Talibé children subjected to forced begging and other serious abuses by their Quranic teachers remains staggering.”

Human Rights Watch

“One of the Great Human Rights Challenges of our Time.”

Free the Slaves

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There are many moving parts to this organization. Become one of the moving parts that make a real difference in a place that needs it. Every minute you give will never go to waste. We have positions available:

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Thousands of boys forced to beg by religious schools in Senegal.

In the bustling city of Saint Louis, Senegal, six young boys awake early. They have no food, so they will spend the morning going door-to-door, begging for breakfast.

It is a fact of life for tens of thousands of talibés in this predominantly Muslim country — young boys who live in religious schools called daaras, away from their families and far from home….


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